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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

birthday party!

My birthday party is on the 10th December and has an Alice in Wonderland theme! My friend and I are taking on the roles of the Red Queen and white queen and therefore costume has been incredibly fun!!
My White Queen style get-up is a little of Burton's portrayal: 

Mixed with a bit of the fashion edge, for example this Models1 pic of the gorgeous Ben Grimes:

Big eyebrows, white lips, white mascara, some £4 shoes from Primark (!!!!!!!!) and some feathers. Sounds good!
Will put a piccy on once it's perfectedo. 

Speaking of models, one 'Fifi Newbery' from Models1 is one of my favourites. She's a new face (with an awesome face)who reminds me of one of the scary young actresses in horror films. To be honest, I think I saw her at Britain's Next Top Model Live in London in October, and spoke to her in the catwalk queue! Bloody beautiful.